Why Spending Time with Children is Important?

In today’s fast-paced world, the most important gift that you can give someone is time. In every day’s hustle and bustle, we tend to miss on a lot of things.

Parenthood is something that is the most crucial part of the Parent’s journey.  As this is the time when you see your newborn growing in front of you each day and this stage once lapsed is not going to return, so you would like to capture those happy moments for a lifetime. In order to do so you need one most crucial aspect that is “TIME”.

In this blog, we are going to talk about “Why spending time with Children is important?

  1. Parents are the first mentor for a child as Parents lay the initial stepping stone for the children in the actual world of education. Therefore, it becomes quite essential for the parents to set the initial foundation right to ensure proper development at a later phase.
  2. Helps children become physically and emotionally strong: At an early stage, it becomes crucial to develop a healthy bond with the children so that they are comfortable sharing and discussing things with you, which helps to establish a bond of love and care A study also shows that when children are able to establish that bond of love and care, it contributes to their physical growth and helps them stay emotionally strong.
  3. Helps Children to build self-esteem: When we develop a habit of communicating with the children it makes them feel valued as they understand that their opinion is important.
  4. Helps to boost confidence: When a child receives proper attention from their parents it helps them to become more confident as they have a feeling in their mind that there is always someone to support them.
  5. Helps to develop a feeling of respect: Giving respect cannot be taught, it is something that a child learns depending upon the behavior of the other person. If they feel that they are getting that respect from their parents, and family definitely they are going to give it back.
  6. Helps them to stay attached to their roots: When we interact with the child they get to know about our ancestors and family background which helps them stay connected to the native roots.
  7. Helps to reduce Behavioral Issues: Kids who invest quality time with their parents are less inclined to show behavioral issues. Cheerful and composed kids are additionally less inclined to have issues at school. Kids are additionally measurably less inclined to take part in the hazardous way of behaving when they invest quality energy with their families.
  8. Helps to perform well academically: When the children feel more confident and emotionally strong. It automatically contributes to their academic growth as they have a relaxed mind that can easily absorb things.

It is not only that spending time with children will only help the children to grow and develop. There are a lot of advantages that parents also get in spending time with children.

  1. Stress Buster: In today’s world wherein, we are running here & there all day long and living under stress. Spending quality time with children can be a great stress buster as engaging with them may remind you of your own childhood days and bring that much-needed smile to your face.
  2. Helps Develop an understanding: Things are moving at a rapid pace and what you may have observed about something as a child, may now have completely changed. Or there may be a new perspective to it. Therefore, interacting with the children helps develop mutual understanding, wherein you can let them know how it used to be and now how it has evolved over time.
  3. Helps you explore new things: When you are with children you will always have something new to explore. Be it setting up the toys or going for a ride you will always have something new to explore. Which as an adult you would never have paid attention to.
  4. You will never be bored: Playing with children is always fun, even during the period when you are feeling bored, those small and funny activities will never let you feel bored.
  5. Brings out the child inside you: There would always be some activities or things that you would like to do as a child but were afraid or not able to do it. With children, you can always accomplish those activities and let the child inside you come out.

Therefore, in our quick-moving advanced day-to-day life, let’s not fail to remember that just investing energy with children is quite significant, to ensure the children that we care about them and will continuously show up for them.

Our time is possibly one of the best gifts that we can give our children. As guardians, we want to make and fabricate heaps of chances to get to know one another. So regardless of how occupied you might be, consistently make sure to embrace your kids and to let them know you love them.


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