Why should your child be a team player?

The kids of today’s generation are going to be the face of the future. It is thus very crucial to impart some good values and skills from an early age to shape them for tomorrow. In a world full of selfishness and individuality we all are aware of the fact that how necessary it has become to be able to work in a group. As a matter of fact, students will be spending the majority of their life working in a team, be it in school, home or work environment. Thus, helping them build this skill today is important as they would be able to practice it from a young age. Kids at an early age are often self centred and driven towards individual efforts rather than team efforts. Hence, as a parent you should make sure to help your child understand the importance of working in a group and conduct necessary activities for the same.


Why is it important to be a team player, you ask?

Below we will be talking about some of the reasons why it is so necessary for child a to be a team player.

  • Improved Communication: The best lesson a child can learn from a team is how to effectively communicate between each other. It requires every team member’s co-operation and efforts when they work in a team and teaches a child how to establish proper communication amongst each other.
  • Better Listeners: It is very important to listen to someone rather than just hearing them out and working in a team most definitely asks for actively listening to your team members. Teamwork first teaches a kid how to listen to the other person and put their point of views into consideration.
  • Build Successful Adults: As discussed earlier, your child would be spending the majority of his / her life working in a team. It would be in their benefit if they learn to work in a team at an early stage as it would be easier for them to adjust with changing times and people around them. The sooner children learn to work together, the stronger their team building skills will become as they develop into adults.
  • Good Speakers: Working in a team really develops a confidence to put forward your opinion in front of a bunch of strangers. And it is very essential in today’s world to let people know your take on something or someone. Being a team player will help a child to boost their confidence within them as they should never be scared to speak up about what / how they feel.
  • Provides Learning Opportunities: Being a part of a team is very much beneficial and helpful as children can learn from mistakes of their fellow team members and gain insight. In addition, they get to learn a lot from their team members as well.

But how should I make my child a team player?

Enough talking about the importance of team playing, the real question arises for how should you make them be better team players. Below we will be discussing the same.

  • Help them gain confidence: Few children are often quiet and reserved and hence they might find it difficult to work in a team. During such situations, it is important for parents to motivate them and help them engage into team building activities and ensure them that it would be worth.
  • Provide Opportunities: To be a team player, it is of course necessary to be a part of one. With kids, parents can always engage them into team building activities such as debates.
  • Model Right Behaviour: Children are often influenced by what they observe, especially their parents. It should be your duty as a parent to model right behaviour in front of your child. This includes, respecting team members, accepting criticism, accepting you team members and sometimes also compromising.
  • School Plays: Schools generally conduct annual functions for children. You should always encourage your ward to participate in such events and plays. This will give them the actual team building experience and help them learn co-operation and coordination with their fellow team members.
  • Home Activities: You can always set up some good team building activities or games at home during weekends for your child such as, cooking together, playing board games with them, solving puzzles, scavenger hunt etc.

Believe it or not, being a team player does affect a child’s overall development in a positive way. Teamwork provides your child with an opportunity to learn, grow and socialise, hence you should always push them towards working in one. Being a team player today will help your child be a team leader tomorrow.

By: Drashti Shah


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