It has probably been the first time in 100 years that the human race is again going through a global pandemic that is forcing every individual to shift online, let it be teaching, learning or any other work. In the rise of the number of novel coronavirus cases, it has now been nearly impossible to curb the virus. Governments and international organisations are trying their best each day to get this deadly virus in control but are barely getting successful to do so. The pandemic has completely changed the face of the education system. It has probably been the first time where schools have been shut all over the world for more than a year and a half now. This sudden change in the education system has greatly impacted teachers and kids and sadly the impact is more negative than the other way round. According to UNESCO, the education of nearly 1.6 Billion pupils in 190 countries has so far been affected – that’s 90% of the world’s school-age children. Children have become lethargic, demotivated and this is highly undermining their growth due to lack of any physical activity in a day. At the same time, teachers have been facing different sets of challenges too. Thanks to the technology that they are able to conduct classes through online mode. However, to keep the classes going and maintaining the morale of the class has been a huge task. Taking a one hour lecture in a class of 50 students physically is different from doing the same thing in front of a screen. We have come across teachers facing a big challenge to keep the classes running while making sure that every child understands what has been taught in the class. Hence, to make your work and little less stressful, we have covered few tricks and tips that can be of some use to make the online classes fun, interesting and successful. 




Since there are fair chances of online mode of learning getting boring soon, one of the ways to keep the children going is engaging their classes that are interactive in nature rather than simply explaining them about different concepts. Ask frequent questions so that they pay proper attention while you’re teaching, have short group activities within the class, discuss certain topics off the books, ask students to lead the discussion, maybe tell a short story at the end of every lecture. These little things will slowly make a huge difference and will help the kids survive the online method until school reopens. Teachers at MADE EASY SCHOOL, curate their lesson plans in ways that are highly engaging and it has also proved to help students sustain the same interest throughout the lecture. 



Teachers are advised to always record their lectures as it would be a huge help for students to catch up, who couldn’t attend the lecture. Further, it can also help students to use the recorded lectures as an important resource as they can go back to their lessons in order to recap certain topics. Recordings can also be used to observe and critique your own teaching method and what can be done to improve the same. 



Sitting in front of a screen can get extremely unhealthy and has also proven to affect a child’s mental health the most. Thus in order to avoid the extreme hazards, teachers are encouraged to keep their lectures shorter than usual. This will also help children to focus better as you cannot expect them to be fully attentive in front of a screen for 1 hour straight. Better to learn something using less time rather than understanding nothing. 



Believe it or not, showing your face as an instructor plays a huge part these days in online education. Teachers have to make sure that a lecture should not feel like a conference call as it would be a massive waste of time instead of learning and teaching something new. Check for the proper light, perfect sound, and no disturbances in the room from where you conduct classes. Showing your face will help you engage directly with the class and it will also help you maintain a strong connection with the students. 



At the end of the day it really depends on students if they are able to adjust with the new methods or not. But what can be done from your end as a teacher is ask students or parents for some suggestions or things that they feel like would better suit them. Teachers can also use feedback to alter their teaching patterns or solve other issues faced by the students. Remember, constant communication is always appreciated and it is important too. Teachers at MADE EASY SCHOOL make sure to stay in touch with each parent individually to take feedback and discuss their child’s growth. 



Another way to make online lectures fun are by showing visual lessons. The things that you see, lasts longer than what you read. Thus, teachers should consider making powerpoint presentations in order to explain certain topics. Along with it, educational videos and usage of more amount of pictures or cartoons should be shown in the lecture. This will help students understand concepts easily and make it less complicated for them as well as you. 



Teachers are also advised to conduct weekly tests or interesting quizzes for the students to make sure they are able to grasp your teaching styles. Taking frequent tests is important as it will also make students pay attention in the anticipation of writing a test every week. Along with tests, worksheets or assignments can also be given by teachers. 

With time, teachers and students will learn to adapt with the online medium. Till then, above mentioned tips can be used to conduct proper and successful learning sessions.


By: Drashti Shah


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