Humans are routine-oriented organisms. The process of creating a habit, whether good or negative, can be broken down into phases and repeated until it is automated, resulting in a “habit loop.” Habits have a much greater impact on our lives than we think. The power of habit is immense. Our minds cling to them over all else, even common sense. Habits account for more than 40% of the behaviours we take each day. One of the essential skills for a youngster to learn to thrive in life is reading. Good reading habits are important not just for your child’s academic future but also for their everyday life. At MADE EASY Schools, we value the practice and ensure measures to inculcate them in children.


The ladder of reading habits:

The positives of reading are beneficial for everyone, especially young minds. Reading has always helped us grow into a better civic society. As a result, we have become far more sensitive and modest toward one another. Reading also aids in the development of a better perspective, which makes life easier. Reading is becoming less popular among the younger generation, owing to the widespread use of social media, which acts as a deterrent to book readers. Parents and schools should work together to encourage children to acquire a reading habit so that they do not miss out on the most valuable gift we can give them: knowledge. The merits of reading form a ladder. This ladder is fun and worth climbing. The steps of the ladder are as follows:

Stronger Vocabulary: Reading exposes children to several different words. They learn new words and new meanings. Reading aloud helps increase their pronunciations and accents.

It makes them more attentive: Reading a book involves great attention. This helps to increase the awareness and concentration of children.

Beginning early develops a life-long love for books: The earlier they welcome books, the greater benefits they can reap from it.

Books are a storehouse of knowledge: Cultural knowledge, academic knowledge, literature knowledge, and whatnot. Everything is enclosed on the cover of the books. Books enrich a child’s mind with an ocean of knowledge.

Triggers curiosity; The suspense, mysteries, and facts very steadily enhance the neurons of the child’s brain. They question more, analyze more, and lastly develop a more civic sense.

Keeps a Peaceful mindset; It is a good hobby eventually. So it performs dual action to enrich and alleviate mental health. It helps us to find answers on our own.

Companion in Need; The books are bestowed with various emotions, teachings, and lessons. Books are the best salvage stores.

Say no, Boredom; With a vast ocean of genres and so much to feel, reading habits will never make you feel bored.


The essence of having a reading habit:

Habits are crucial, but they aren’t the sole factor. They get more automatic as time passes. So, it is important to double-check that we’ve got the correct ones! At MADE EASY Schools, we understand the importance of this beautiful habit. We help a child read aloud and read stories and poems. Beginning as early as possible is worthwhile. A child’s mind is like an empty slate. It will absorb whatever we expose it to, and reading will teach a child much more than what we can imagine. Siting with children and reading using a lot of expressions is an activity they enjoy a lot.

For those constantly hungry for knowledge, reading is much more than a hobby; it is a passion. A work is improved by good readers and clarified by good opponents, as Friedrich Nietzsche famously said. Reading sparked a revolution in society, resulting in a modern evolutionary outlook. Books are not written in a day; thus, they are a collection of material that has been collected, examined, and recorded over time. Reading and experiencing an era or circumstance in one’s way can provide a great deal of information about it. Reading, in the end, enlivens one’s outlook on their surroundings and allows one to explore it in new ways.


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