Over the years, education and the mode of teaching has evolved with time. From chalkboards to smart classes, we have modernized the teaching system in the 21st century. Human race is developing at an unstoppable pace, making it possible for us to pursue any field we wish to. Thus, it would be fair enough to say that teachers are arguably the most important members of our society. They are responsible for shaping young minds, modeling the right behaviour for them and leading the society in the right direction. In their primary years, kids are exposed and surrounded by the school environment the most. They are also likely to get easily influenced by their surroundings as they quickly pick up the behavioural traits of people, they see around them (observational learning). So it becomes very important to model the right behaviour so that these good habits stick with them. Be it parents, teachers, peers or even staff members of the school, everyone plays a major role in a child’s early developmental age. Thus, it is important to keep a check on the kind of people a child surrounds themselves with. Here in this article, we will be talking about the influence of teachers on a child and what can be done from their end to inculcate healthy behaviour in toddlers.

Teachers are not only responsible for teaching and giving grades but also teaching children how to be good human beings. The amount of impact a teacher can have on children can sometimes stay with them for the rest of their lives. Thus, being a responsible educator, it is part of your job to make sure that you become the right role model for the class so that the kids can look up to you. Below we will be listing down some ways that can help you plant right behaviour within kids.



We have often come across parents and teachers being concerned about a child adapting to negative behaviour, which hampers their development. Behaviour is nothing but a learned response. Thus, it is quite easy and also important to teach new and healthy behaviour to kids from an early age so that it will help them in near future to be better humans. Below we have mentioned some of the very easy ways for teachers to model the right behaviour.



Kids at a young age are hungry for validation especially when it comes from a higher authority like their teachers or parents. Being a teacher, it is very important to notice and acknowledge the “good” behaviour of a child. Let them know that they are being noticed and appreciated. This will help them boost their self-esteem and encourage them to practice that behaviour more often. It will also influence other kids or their peers to implement that behaviour or habits. Thus, reinforcing positive behaviour should be done by teachers for effective results.



A parent knows their child better. Teachers can always interact with parents and work as a team if they notice some change in behaviour or if they find the kid to be more distressed than usual. It is advisable for parents and teachers to stay in constant touch and discuss the growth of the child. Teachers at MADE EASY School, make sure to arrange timely parent-teacher meetings in order to help the parent and children to identify their weakness and also work towards the same.



Teachers are also advised to organize “practical and activity” oriented activities which include working in a team, volunteer work etc. This will help a child understand the importance of team effort, respecting their team members, adjusting and co-operating and other such values that are considered important in today’s world. Activity based learning will also open the gates to their imagination rather than sitting in front of a book and aimlessly engaging into rote learning.



Teachers should strive to model the rules that they want the class to follow. Unless and until there isn’t an emergency, rules shouldn’t be changed for anyone and even for the teacher themselves for that matter. Model the right behaviour and follow all the rules with every chance you get. Being consistent enough in making sure all the rules are being followed by the class, also leads to consistency in good behaviour. If you show the kids that you honour the rules, it will increase the effectiveness of your discipline strategies as well.



Giving respect, will earn you respect. Thus, when you want to make someone learn something, especially kids, being harsh, frustrated and angry is not going to do any good. Rather, try to explain their mistakes patiently by using soft language. Treat them with equal respect and in return this will also teach the kids to be respectful to everyone regardless of their age. Exercising this will automatically make kids understand the importance of your concern and will often make them realize their errors more quickly than by doing otherwise. It will also develop a lot of empathy in the student teacher relationship, which is very important.

When you educate one person, you practically educate an entire generation. And teachers play a very crucial role in shaping young minds.

A child’s development is not only based on “Didn’t your parents raise you right?” but also dependent on the flag bearers of the education system, our teachers. They have the responsibility of shaping the kids by not just  telling them what the right behaviour is and how to follow that but also modeling it to lead by example. Thus, being a responsible educator, your duty should not end at imparting knowledge but also focusing on holistic development of a child because “a teacher is always better than two books.”

By: Drashti Shah


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